Plexus Student Centre and University Shop
Plexus is the Latin word for nerve centre: it means both a collection and a meeting point. The goal of Plexus is to offer optimal services to students of Leiden University. Within Plexus can be found the Student Information Centre help desks, the University Shop, lecture rooms, meeting facilities, a gym, and other student support facilities such as the ombuds officer, career service, student counsellors and student psychologists. Plexus is also home to many student organisations and the Meeting Point, a centre for students with a refugee background. The International House, with its common room and range of internationally-orientated student associations, can also be found at Plexus.
Head |
Danjo Raijer |
Plexus Management |
Plexus Student Centre Kaiserstraat 25 2311 GN Leiden +31 71 527 8008 (room hire) |
University Shop |
Plexus Student Centre Opening hours |
Secretary |
Els Gips-Lalloesingh +31 71 527 80 08 |
Contact person for student organisations |
Anita de Bruijn +31 71 527 11 66 |
Operational technician & telephone coordinator |
Krispijn Sterrenburg +31 71 527 3010 |
First aid coordinator |
Remko Mikkenie +31 71 527 11 42 |
Caretakers |
Thierry Boxmeer Rob van Kasterop
Jacob Meyer
Santo Karni |