Universiteit Leiden

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If, on the basis of the checklist, your research needs to be presented to the committee, you are required to use the standard application form. The completed form will be evaluated first by the privacy officer. If the privacy officer identifies any privacy issues, you may be asked to alter your application before it is evaluated by the ethical committee during their regular meeting (dates given below). Please send the completed form and relevant supporting documents (e.g., consent form, information form) to the faculty’s privacy officer (E.s.van.der.burg@BB.leidenuniv.nl). Applications submitted to the privacy officer before the deadlines listed below will be discussed during the next meeting of the ethics committee. The ethics committee reviews only the application form, the information sheet, and informed consent forms (where applicable). Additional documents such as grant applications will not be reviewed.

The following persons may apply to the Committee for an ethical review: 

  • Staff of the Faculty of Humanities or the Faculty of Archaeology. 
  • PhD candidates affiliated to the Faculty Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities or the Faculty of Archaeology. These may be contract PhD candidates, PhD candidates employed by Leiden University and external PhD candidates. 
  • Persons who make use of the facilities of the Faculty of Humanities or the Faculty of Archaeology. 
  • Students who are enrolled in a research master programme of the Faculty of Humanities and who have approval from their supervisor to apply for ethics review.

The committee does not review research conducted by students. The supervisor/instructor is responsible for assessing whether research conducted by students is ethically acceptable.

The committee only reviews proposed research. Ongoing or completed research will not be reviewed. The application form needs to be completed in correct and understandable English. If this is not the case, the committee has the option to reject the application and request a resubmission.

Short procedure 

For research that has already been approved by an ethics committee of a different university, only the approval needs to be presented to the committee. If the LU committee recognizes the external committee that has provided the approval, the research does not need to be presented to the LU committee. 
If the proposed research is similar to research that has received approval by the committee, the application form of the approved research supplemented with a short summary (maximum 500 words) of the differences between the proposed research and the approved research needs to be presented to the committee. 

Dates Ethics Committee

  • Meeting: Monday 16 September 2024 > Deadline: Monday 2 September 2024
  • Meeting: Tuesday 15 October 2024 > Deadline: Tuesday 1 October 2024
  • Meeting: Monday 18 November 2024 > Deadline: Monday 4 November 2024
  • Meeting: Tuesday 17 December 2024 > Deadline: Tuesday 3 December 2024

Your application will first be checked by the Privacy Officer of the Faculty. If complex privacy matters occur that take time to resolve, your application may need to be passed on to the next meeting of the ethics committee.

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