Universiteit Leiden

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Research support

The Department of Research provides support for research in various ways. 

Ethics and Data Committee

The Ethics and Data Committee of Leiden Law School is responsible for reviewing research proposals from an ethical perspective and reviewing data management plans, including the GDPR aspects. In general, this concerns research that makes use of new data. More information.

Data Management

Data management refers to creating, saving, updating, making accessible, archiving and long-term storage of research data. The final goal of this process is often defined in terms of the FAIR principles: 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable'. More information.

For support please contact the datasteward of Leiden Law School, Hannah DeLacey.

External research funding

External funding of research is becoming increasingly important. Good support in the acquisition of research grants is therefore essential. See the Research Support Portal and the funding calendar.

For support please contact the funding advisor of Leiden Law School Catherine Savitsky.

Leiden Research Support

The Leiden Research Support programme has been working closely with research support staff and researchers to improve research support for researchers. The aim of the programme is to provide the best possible support to individual researchers and research groups in applying for, managing and accounting for externally funded research projects. More information.

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