Universiteit Leiden

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Information for PhD candidates

As a PhD candidate, PhD fellow, or contract PhD at Leiden Law School you are automatically part of the Graduate School. This means that you can follow the courses and workshops that the Graduate School organises, make use of the support services, and are subject to the Graduate School’s quality control systems. For external PhD candidates, other rules may apply, see here.

PhD trajectory

General information about the PhD trajectory at Leiden University can be found here. An overview of the steps to be followed in the formal procedure leading to the public defence of a PhD dissertation, applicable to doctorate researchers at Leiden Law School can be found here.

PhD places

Leiden Law School has various categories of doctoral researchers, both employed (PhD candidates and PhD fellows) and external (contract PhD candidates and external candidates). More information.

Courses and training programmes

As a PhD candidate, you follow a University training programme. The training will help you to conduct your scientific research, write your dissertation, develop your career and gain self-insight. More information.

Training and Supervision Plan

In the Netherlands, doctoral candidates are considered fellow researchers (unlike Anglo-American PhD systems where they are considered students). You will make agreements with your supervisor(s) with regard to personal development and the supervision of your PhD research. More information.


All researchers at Leiden Law School work according to the Leiden University Data Management  Regulation. PhD researchers write a data management plan (DMP) during the required Data management Training. More information.

Doctorate on the basis of articles

The dissertation consists of either a scientific treatise on a specific subject in book form, or a collection of separate scientific treatises. See the PhD Regulations of Leiden University. Leiden Law School has policy on obtaining a doctorate on the basis of articles, see here.

Publishing in the Meijers Series

The Department of Research has its own book series that includes PhD dissertations of Leiden Law School, but also books resulting from conferences and symposia. More information.

Forms and Regulations

All forms and regulations of Leiden Law School are here.


All allowances for PhD researchers at Leiden Law School are here.

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